
The Railway Industry has a long history as a key technology for long-distance people and goods transportation. Individual travel has been made possible by connecting destinations across countries, borders, and even continents. Today, the achievable efficiency and capacity of this vehicle type brings it back into the spotlight as a future transportation mode. Camozzi components and solutions are used for the activation and control of doors, flaps, couplings, and pantographs, the management of fresh and wastewater, the main brake system, sanding, greasing, and many other applications. Our offering is in line with the most recent regional and global standards and meets the requirements of our world-class customer base.

  • (Vacum)Toilets & Disinfection: Fittings, Valves, Dosing solutions
  • Automatic doors: Actuators, Valves, Fittings, Complete Drive Systems
  • Airconditioning System, Actuated Flaps: Solenoids, Valves, Actuators

  • Braking System: Filters, Regulators, Fittings, Valves
  • Lubrication System: Fittings
  • Sanding System: Regulators, Fittings, Valves

  • Coach Coupling: Filters, Regulators, Fittings, Valves
  • Actuated Flaps & Gates: Fittings, Valves, Actuators
  • Sanding System: Regulators, Fittings, Valves
  • Pantograph: Fittings, Actuators, Valves, Regulators

  • Conditioning of compressed air: Filters, Regulators, Fittings, Valves

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